- Many fruits and vegetables exhibit similar healing properties.
- Mangosteen is extremely expensive as a result of multi-level marketing cost inflations. Quit trying to tell everyone that MLM saves them money! That is brainwashing. Even if you are a distributor, you are likely spending double the market value. In the case of mangosteen juice, it has to be quadruple or more, as mangosteen fruit purchased in Malaysia is pretty dirt cheap compared to the juice sold by MLMers.
- Inflammation is just a numbers game. Just because you are consuming antioxidants every day, does not necessarily mean that you are canceling out all the free radicals you are eating in your diet that come from fried and processed foods, fatty foods, and meats.
- I have yet to find any independent laboratory evaluations of Mangosteen such as what may be found at Consumer Labs. Without independent laboratory evaluation there is absolutely no guarantee that what is on the label is what is on the bottle. You could be drinking REALLY expensive prune juice.
- Juice or syrup is not an adequate delivery mechanism for a therapeutic agent. Diabetes is a national epidemic. People need less sugar, not more.
- Most juice manufacturers are making juice from the “whole fruit” when the healing components in the research are derived from the rind of the fruit. The white fleshy inner portion of the fruit has no known medicinal properties.
- You are not buying just mangosteen juice: it is typically a blend of other high antioxidant fruits such as apple, grape, blueberry, and raspberry juice. Manufacturers do not state on the labels how much mangosteen juice (if any) is included.
Trust me, if there were actually a way to cheat the system--I would be doing it!
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